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National Deaf Education Conference
From someone who doesn’t really like math, I appreciate this example of critical thinking! Reposting @tsdeceelem What a powerful discussion about place value between Antonia and her 1st grade student! Though most people associate mathematics with numbers, there is a great deal of language involved. Having rich conversations in ASL and making connections with printed text, in conjunction with math tools such as manipulatives and a 100 chart really helps concepts come to life! In the picture, you see the teacher getting the student to justify her thinking by asking, “Why?” Not only does this promote mathematical discourse, but it also helps students think about the reasonableness of their answers and process the information better. #Mathletes
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National Deaf Education Conference
From someone who doesn’t really like math, I appreciate this example of critical thinking! Reposting @tsdeceelem What a powerful discussion about place value between Antonia and her 1st grade student! Though most people associate mathematics with numbers, there is a great deal of language involved. Having rich conversations in ASL and making connections with printed text, in conjunction with math tools such as manipulatives and a 100 chart really helps concepts come to life! In the picture, you see the teacher getting the student to justify her thinking by asking, “Why?” Not only does this promote mathematical discourse, but it also helps students think about the reasonableness of their answers and process the information better. #Mathletes