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- Deaf Ecosystem
Lexi Hill's Message to hearing Parents with Deaf Children
Born deaf, REL senior Lexi Hill is ranked 7th in her class & will attend Gallaudet Univ, where she received the highest scholarship available & will play basketball! She has an encouraging message for both parents & students. Read her story: http://ow.ly/A72J30nT66d #JKR #successfulstudentoutcomes
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- Category:
- Deaf Ecosystem
Lexi Hill's Message to hearing Parents with Deaf Children
Born deaf, REL senior Lexi Hill is ranked 7th in her class & will attend Gallaudet Univ, where she received the highest scholarship available & will play basketball! She has an encouraging message for both parents & students. Read her story: http://ow.ly/A72J30nT66d #JKR #successfulstudentoutcomes