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Featured Family: Idris

A mom and dad sit with their toddler.
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  • Featured Family: Idris

  • Check out this wonderful video about Idris and his family!

    Hands Land was curious to learn more about the impact ASL rhymes and rhythms had on children’s language experience. Several families were kind enough to open up their homes to us, let us watch them interact with Hands Land videos, and answer our questions.

    Leila Hanaumi and Kent Turner and their child, Idris, were the first family we visited!

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

    [Transcript below]
    Video Transcript:

    Kent: (Idris’ sign name), who’s that?

    Idris: Me.

    Kent: You?

    Idris, that’s you!

    Idris: Me!

    Idris and Leila: Surprise! Surprise! Ahh! Ahh!

    Kent: Hello, I’m Kent.

    Leila: I’m Leila.

    Idris and Leila: Blue!

    Leila: ASL rhymes and rhythms have an impact on his education, growth, and emotional development.

    Kriston: Excited, excited, excited

    Jump, jump, jump

    Leila and Idris: (Overlapping signs) Cry, cry, cry
    Excited, excited, excited

    Jump, jump, jump

    Nervous, nervous, nervous

    Leila: It definitely has helped us. When he is feeling certain emotions like frustration… we would sing “frustrated, frustrated, frustrated.” This would make him laugh. He would independently respond by signing “pout, pout, pout.” We would affirm his frustration. From this experience, he learns that we do understand him. Sometimes we don’t know why he is frustrated, but we are able to acknowledge his feelings. This would help him feel better because he feels understood by us.

    Idris: Laugh, laugh, laugh

    Kent: Cry, cry, cry

    Leila: Hands Land is different because it’s not just ASL stories. It’s all about rhythms, dance, and using ASL as an art. And he is fascinated by it.

    Leila: Trees, trees

    River, river

    Fish swims

    Kent: We have tried using different TV shows with spoken content, and Idris never showed any interest. At first we thought maybe he was too young to understand. But when we showed Hands Land videos, he was captivated by them. He ignored everything else. Although he hadn’t started imitating, he responded strongly to ASL rhymes and rhythms. That was great! Over time, he started copying songs. And we would sing along too. Hands Land is an amazing resource! We will definitely be using it with Idris.

    Kent: If our family could come up with a song, it would about balls. Idris thinks the world of balls!

    Leila: B-A-L-L, ball, ball, ball!

    Idris and Kent: (repeating sign) Ball!

    Idris: Hands Land!

    Leila and Kent: Hands Land!

    Idris: (repeating sign) Hands Land!

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  • « Back to Catalog
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  • Learn ASL
  • Featured Family: Idris

  • Featured Family: Idris-image
  • Check out this wonderful video about Idris and his family!

    Hands Land was curious to learn more about the impact ASL rhymes and rhythms had on children’s language experience. Several families were kind enough to open up their homes to us, let us watch them interact with Hands Land videos, and answer our questions.

    Leila Hanaumi and Kent Turner and their child, Idris, were the first family we visited!

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

    [Transcript below]
    Video Transcript:

    Kent: (Idris’ sign name), who’s that?

    Idris: Me.

    Kent: You?

    Idris, that’s you!

    Idris: Me!

    Idris and Leila: Surprise! Surprise! Ahh! Ahh!

    Kent: Hello, I’m Kent.

    Leila: I’m Leila.

    Idris and Leila: Blue!

    Leila: ASL rhymes and rhythms have an impact on his education, growth, and emotional development.

    Kriston: Excited, excited, excited

    Jump, jump, jump

    Leila and Idris: (Overlapping signs) Cry, cry, cry
    Excited, excited, excited

    Jump, jump, jump

    Nervous, nervous, nervous

    Leila: It definitely has helped us. When he is feeling certain emotions like frustration… we would sing “frustrated, frustrated, frustrated.” This would make him laugh. He would independently respond by signing “pout, pout, pout.” We would affirm his frustration. From this experience, he learns that we do understand him. Sometimes we don’t know why he is frustrated, but we are able to acknowledge his feelings. This would help him feel better because he feels understood by us.

    Idris: Laugh, laugh, laugh

    Kent: Cry, cry, cry

    Leila: Hands Land is different because it’s not just ASL stories. It’s all about rhythms, dance, and using ASL as an art. And he is fascinated by it.

    Leila: Trees, trees

    River, river

    Fish swims

    Kent: We have tried using different TV shows with spoken content, and Idris never showed any interest. At first we thought maybe he was too young to understand. But when we showed Hands Land videos, he was captivated by them. He ignored everything else. Although he hadn’t started imitating, he responded strongly to ASL rhymes and rhythms. That was great! Over time, he started copying songs. And we would sing along too. Hands Land is an amazing resource! We will definitely be using it with Idris.

    Kent: If our family could come up with a song, it would about balls. Idris thinks the world of balls!

    Leila: B-A-L-L, ball, ball, ball!

    Idris and Kent: (repeating sign) Ball!

    Idris: Hands Land!

    Leila and Kent: Hands Land!

    Idris: (repeating sign) Hands Land!