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- Deaf Ecosystem
5 Reasons Why You Need to Re-think Deaf People and Music
From Convo: We need to re-think Deaf people and music!
Learn why from De’Angelo Brown, owner of DEF FAMILIA ENTERTAINMENT, an organization determined to elevate the skills of the Deaf community in the music arts.
Find more resources in the Deaf Ecosystem Directory in your Convo app! Download here: http://bit.ly/2VJ3dGm
Music by De’Angelo Brown
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- « Back to Catalog
- Category:
- Deaf Ecosystem
5 Reasons Why You Need to Re-think Deaf People and Music
From Convo: We need to re-think Deaf people and music!
Learn why from De’Angelo Brown, owner of DEF FAMILIA ENTERTAINMENT, an organization determined to elevate the skills of the Deaf community in the music arts.
Find more resources in the Deaf Ecosystem Directory in your Convo app! Download here: http://bit.ly/2VJ3dGm
Music by De’Angelo Brown