Algonquin College – ASL Classes ASL ClassesDeaf EcosystemsEducationResourcesSchools October 14, 2020 Algonquin College – ASL Classes Offered through Continuing Education, and using the Signing Naturally Curriculum, classes are once per week,… Silent Voice
Avon Maitland District School Board Deaf EcosystemsResourcesSchools October 14, 2020 Avon Maitland District School Board Deaf and Hard of Hearing teachers of the Deaf & Hard of Hearing provide service… Silent Voice
It’s a Hearing World AcademicArticlesResources October 14, 2020 It’s a Hearing World Children with disabilities are more likely to experience challenges in their daily lives. In particular,… Silent Voice
WHEN DEAFNESS IS MEDICALIZED: INSIDE THE CULTURE CLASH OVER COCHLEAR IMPLANTS ArticlesPerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 WHEN DEAFNESS IS MEDICALIZED: INSIDE THE CULTURE CLASH OVER COCHLEAR IMPLANTS Some fear that, by offering deaf people access to sound, so-called bionic ears could spell… Silent Voice
SignSchool EducationLearn ASLResources October 14, 2020 SignSchool SignSchool is a fun and free resource for learning ASL at your own pace. View… Silent Voice
Strategies to Prevent Visual Split-Attention with Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing AcademicPublicationsResources October 14, 2020 Strategies to Prevent Visual Split-Attention with Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing One of the challenges that teachers face in teaching students who are deaf or hard… Silent Voice