Language Learning Through the Eye and Ear AcademicResourcesYouTube November 9, 2020 Language Learning Through the Eye and Ear This research-based webcast by Deborah Pichler, PhD, addresses how deaf and hard of hearing babies… Silent Voice
AcademicArticlesResources October 14, 2020 How Does Language Deprivation Impact Deaf Children? With a partnership between the California Department of Education’s Julie Rems Smario and CDERC’s Natasha… Silent Voice
PerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 Sign Language Helps Babies Communicate with Parents Earlier Baby Signs has become increasingly popular over the last decade, Kate Raddatz reports. Silent Voice
ResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 Your Deaf Child Can Have It All! Your deaf child can have it all! The NAD along with many national organizations and… Silent Voice
AcademicPublicationsResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 The Importance of Deaf Role Models Presented by the Family-Centered Early Intervention (FCEI) 2018 Deaf Leadership Committee on the importance of… Silent Voice
ASL CommunityASL StorytellingResources October 14, 2020 Grandfather, what is a Powwow? Alanda McLeod narrates “Grandfather, what is a Powwow?” in ASL. Silent Voice