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Today is World Refugee Day.

Let’s stand together to support refugees worldwide, honouring their strength and resilience! Please take the time to learn about refugees through Deaf organizations that do some work with Deaf refugees:

Off-The-Grid Missions

World Federation of the Deaf Ry

Donate, volunteer and support these Deaf organizations, UNHCR and/or other organizations supporting refugees.

[Image Description: The image is a promotional graphic for World Refugee Day. It features a simple and clean design with a blue and light green color scheme. On the left side, it says “SHOW THAT YOU CARE” in smaller, uppercase letters, followed by “World Refugee Day” in larger, bold, lowercase letters. On the right side, there is a partial image of the globe in blue and light green. At the bottom, the logo and name “Silent Voice” are displayed. The overall message encourages people to show their support and care for refugees.]