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It is never too early to start signing to your baby, even if she is a micropreemie. This deaf dad is signing to his deaf daughter, telling her who he is, and what a beautiful baby she is, with her bright green eyes. Watch baby Arrow’s eyes and how she’s attentively listening to daddy telling her how much he loves her. #whyisign #askmewhyisign
#Repost @untimelyblessing with @get_repost
Daddy who is Deaf signing to Baby Arrow who recently passed the Deaf test. ASL is vital for Deaf babies & lucky for our little squish she was born Deaf into a home where ASL is the primary language. She won’t have the struggles to communicate within her own family as her Daddy did. Whyisign #preemie #micropreemie #nicu #nicubaby #deaf #asl #signlanguage #dadsofinstagram #dadsanddaughters #deafpride #deaffamilies #deafbaby #deafprofessionals #horsetrainerintraining #daddyslittlegirl #americansignlanguage - <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fwhyisign%2Fvideos%2F374541563312564%2F&show_text=0&width=476" width="476" height="476" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe>
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- Learn ASL
It is never too early to start signing to your baby, even if she is a micropreemie. This deaf dad is signing to his deaf daughter, telling her who he is, and what a beautiful baby she is, with her bright green eyes. Watch baby Arrow’s eyes and how she’s attentively listening to daddy telling her how much he loves her. #whyisign #askmewhyisign
#Repost @untimelyblessing with @get_repost
Daddy who is Deaf signing to Baby Arrow who recently passed the Deaf test. ASL is vital for Deaf babies & lucky for our little squish she was born Deaf into a home where ASL is the primary language. She won’t have the struggles to communicate within her own family as her Daddy did. Whyisign #preemie #micropreemie #nicu #nicubaby #deaf #asl #signlanguage #dadsofinstagram #dadsanddaughters #deafpride #deaffamilies #deafbaby #deafprofessionals #horsetrainerintraining #daddyslittlegirl #americansignlanguage