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- Deaf Ecosystem
Why Deaf Model Nyle DiMarco Doesnt't Wish He Could Hear
Actor and model Nyle DiMarco is Deaf. He doesn’t understand the concept of silence — it’s just his default mode. DiMarco went on to win “America’s Next Top Model” and “Dancing with the Stars.” Now, he uses his platform to help Deaf children who don’t have the same access to sign language and community that he did as a child. | For viewers who need sound to access this video, a version with the subtitles read onto a soundtrack is available here: https://bit.ly/2FJoNVK
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- Deaf Ecosystem
Why Deaf Model Nyle DiMarco Doesnt't Wish He Could Hear
Actor and model Nyle DiMarco is Deaf. He doesn’t understand the concept of silence — it’s just his default mode. DiMarco went on to win “America’s Next Top Model” and “Dancing with the Stars.” Now, he uses his platform to help Deaf children who don’t have the same access to sign language and community that he did as a child. | For viewers who need sound to access this video, a version with the subtitles read onto a soundtrack is available here: https://bit.ly/2FJoNVK