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Promoting High Expectations for Deaf Individuals
Resolve to support #deafsuccess this year with promoting high expectations for success!
Each week of this month, we will highlight a Key Impact Area (KIA) which helps address challenges to postsecondary success for deaf individuals. This week focuses on high expectations. What are ways that you or others in your community promote high expectations of deaf individuals? How can YOU be a part of the solution?
To learn more, read: https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/highexpectations
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Promoting High Expectations for Deaf Individuals
Resolve to support #deafsuccess this year with promoting high expectations for success!
Each week of this month, we will highlight a Key Impact Area (KIA) which helps address challenges to postsecondary success for deaf individuals. This week focuses on high expectations. What are ways that you or others in your community promote high expectations of deaf individuals? How can YOU be a part of the solution?
To learn more, read: https://www.nationaldeafcenter.org/highexpectations