PerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 Assessing ASL use in “Mouse Trap” Video This video clip was submitted to IHP ASL Services who assessed two Deaf children's use… Silent Voice
MeganResources October 14, 2020 Growing Together: Creating Language-Rich Environments Established as a National Science Foundation Science of Learning Center in 2006, Visual Language and… Silent Voice
AcademicPublicationsResources October 14, 2020 Through Your Child’s Eyes: American Sign Language Through collaborative efforts of VL2 Lab, California State University at Northridge and the California Department… Silent Voice
PerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 Children of Deaf Adults What does it feel like being a child of Deaf adults? (Thanks to Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries for… Silent Voice 0
Deaf Garcia Family Deaf EcosystemsDeaf InfluencersResources October 14, 2020 Deaf Garcia Family The Garcia Family is seen on the documentary special “Deaf Out Loud” #deafoutloud, Founders of… Silent Voice
PerspectiveResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 Hearing Parents of Deaf Children, This One is for You… Wisdo spotlights Clare Cassidy, a Deaf mother sharing her heart with hearing parents of Deaf… Silent Voice 0