Deaf EcosystemsK-12Schools October 14, 2020 Gallaudet University Youth Programs Gallaudet University Youth Programs, home to Academic Bowl, Battle of the Books, Summer Youth Camps,… Silent Voice 0
PerspectiveResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 Deaf Don’t Care Transcript: Conrad dancing to an internal song. Word PITY appears by his shoulder, he… Silent Voice
PerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 Sundays Story Time with Toddlers Story time with Idris, who is 22 months old and Deaf. Silent Voice
PerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 American Sign Language vs. New Zealand Sign Language Here is a side-by-side comparision of some signs in ASL and NZSL with Benjamin Lewis. Silent Voice
PerspectiveResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 10 Deaf Children, 1 Powerful Message Every day, Deaf people “fail” the hearing test immediately after being born, face “language… Silent Voice 0
PerspectiveResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 Dear Hearing People A Film by Sarah Snow & Jules Dameron – This film strives to educate… Silent Voice