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Juneteenth: A day of reflection, a day of celebration. Together, we rise.

By June 19, 2024June 20th, 2024Silent Voice Canada


[Image Description: The image is a celebration graphic for Juneteenth featuring the following elements:

Background: A splashed paint effect with three horizontal stripes coloured red, yellow, and green from top to bottom.

Silhouettes: Six silhouettes of people in profile view, all facing to the right. These silhouettes are placed in front of the colourful background.

Text: Below the silhouettes, the text reads “Happy JUNETEENTH” in two different fonts: “Happy” is in a cursive font, while “JUNETEENTH” is in bold, uppercase letters.

Birds: Two black bird silhouettes are positioned on either side of the word “JUNETEENTH.”

Logo: At the bottom center, there is a logo consisting of a blue circular design with the text “Silent Voice” next to it.]