PerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 Rachel Shenton “Sign language is crucial for deaf children… Early intervention is crucial. Education doesn’t just… Silent Voice 0
AcademicResources October 14, 2020 Early Access to Language Indiana School for the Deaf elaborates about the importance of early access to language.… Silent Voice 0
PerspectiveResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 Deaf Don’t Care Transcript: Conrad dancing to an internal song. Word PITY appears by his shoulder, he… Silent Voice
Deaf EcosystemsDeaf-Owned BusinessesEducationEducatorParents October 14, 2020 Hands Land Hands Land educational resources were developed by Deaf native signers and educators from Deaf families… Silent Voice 0
Deaf EcosystemsK-12Schools October 14, 2020 Gallaudet University Youth Programs Gallaudet University Youth Programs, home to Academic Bowl, Battle of the Books, Summer Youth Camps,… Silent Voice 0
Deaf EcosystemsDeaf Influencers October 14, 2020 #Why I Sign Campaign The purpose of sharing #whyIsign narratives Families are still not given resources or support about… Silent Voice 0