Harvest Bible Church ASL ClassesASL CommunityDeaf EcosystemsEducationFreeLearn ASLOrganizations/ServicesResources July 16, 2024 Harvest Bible Church Every sunday at 9:00am they offer an interpreted service and throughout the year free level… Silent Voice
Mohawk College ASL ClassesEducationFeeLearn ASLResources March 12, 2021 Mohawk College Enhance your knowledge of the ear, various levels of hearing loss and practical use of… Silent Voice
Fanshawe College ASL ClassesDeaf EcosystemsEducationResourcesSchools October 14, 2020 Fanshawe College London, ON Offered through Continuing Education, classes are typically held in the evenings. Courses are… Silent Voice
Durham College ASL ClassesDeaf EcosystemsEducationResourcesSchools October 14, 2020 Durham College Oshawa, ON Offered through Continuing Education, and using the Signing Naturally Curriculum, classes are once… Silent Voice
George Brown College – Full Time ASL ClassesDeaf EcosystemsEducationPost-SecondaryResourcesSchools October 14, 2020 George Brown College – Full Time Toronto, ON Offered as a 1 year, full-time course, the American Sign Language and Deaf… Silent Voice
Niagara College Canada ASL ClassesDeaf EcosystemsEducationResourcesSchoolsUniversities/Colleges October 14, 2020 Niagara College Canada Niagara-on-the-Lake & Welland, ON Offered through Continuing Education, classes are typically held in the evenings.… Silent Voice