ASL Babysitters MeganResources November 10, 2020 ASL Babysitters As a positive ASL role model, a Deaf babysitter can be a wonderful addition to… Silent Voice
Deaf EcosystemsProfessional Spotlights October 14, 2020 Scott Daily – Deaf Patrol Sergeant Being able to work well with the public is a common concern for employers of… Silent Voice
PerspectiveResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 5 Weeks to 1 Year Old Baby Signs Milk! Start signing with your baby from day 1 and watch them flourish with language!… Silent Voice
ResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 Educational Interpreting from Deaf Eyes This is the thirteenth weekly installment featuring highlights from the 20 chapters in the new… Silent Voice
PerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 Assessing ASL use in “Mouse Trap” Video This video clip was submitted to IHP ASL Services who assessed two Deaf children's use… Silent Voice
EducationKidsResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 Strategies to Support Your Child’s ASL Development: A Video Tutorial This video aims to support families during routine times (play & meal times) with six… Silent Voice