PerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 Sign Language Helps Babies Communicate with Parents Earlier Baby Signs has become increasingly popular over the last decade, Kate Raddatz reports. Silent Voice
ASL CommunityASL StorytellingResources October 14, 2020 Grandfather, what is a Powwow? Alanda McLeod narrates “Grandfather, what is a Powwow?” in ASL. Silent Voice
PerspectiveResources October 14, 2020 Assessing ASL use in “Mouse Trap” Video This video clip was submitted to IHP ASL Services who assessed two Deaf children's use… Silent Voice
ResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 Rocky Mountain Deaf School – ASL Channel There is an array of educational ASL videos to enhance Deaf students' language learning. It… Silent Voice
Deaf EcosystemsDeaf-Owned BusinessesResources October 14, 2020 D-PAN D-PAN: Deaf Professional Arts Network exists to support, encourage and develop professional and educational opportunities… Silent Voice
ASL CommunityASL StorytellingResourcesYouTube October 14, 2020 DackCube A turtle traveled across the world seeking to challenge the fastest animal in the world… Silent Voice 0